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10 ways video can boost your seasonal campaign

A clapper board on a red backshot with popcorn, baubles and a present on the top
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    • Video Production
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Video content is a powerful tool to engage your customers, highlight offers, launch a new product, and align campaigns with seasonal trends, events, and holidays. Here are 10 ways you can use video to boost your seasonal marketing.

You’ve probably heard the ‘C’ word being talked about already and with consumers already planning Christmas, you need to start thinking about how your business can leverage video to supercharge your seasonal marketing strategies.

Whether you’re new to video marketing or you’ve been making/commissioning videos for a while now, here are 10 ways your business can use video to boost your seasonal campaign: 

1. Holiday and event-themed campaigns

Create showcase videos that feature your products in a holiday or seasonal setting. For example, if you sell apparel, you could create a “Holiday gift guide” video featuring winter outfits styled with holiday backgrounds.

For service-based businesses, you could create videos showing how your services can solve problems related to the season. For example, a gym can promote a "New Year, new you" fitness program through a video, while a cleaning service can show “Winter cleaning hacks.”

2. Limited-time offers and flash sales

Use video to create urgency around limited-time holiday or seasonal offers, like a "Black Friday" or Christmas sale. Fun, engaging videos showcasing discounts or bundles can be promoted across your social media platforms and in your email marketing.

Consumers like a deal, especially when we're all counting the pennies, so offering discounts on your products/services will grab their attention. Discounts and giveaways can also be used to entice prospective customers to sign up to your newsletter list.

3. Behind-the-scenes and “How it’s made” videos

Highlight the production process of your products. For example, if you sell handmade candles, show a behind-the-scenes video of how your holiday-scented candles are made. This gives a personal touch and strengthens emotional connections.

Or a behind-the-scenes video of your team preparing for seasonal business is also engaging. Our third most watched TikTok is of the team decorating the studio for Christmas! 

4. Customer stories and testimonials

Share customer experiences related to seasonal purchases or services used. A video testimonial from a customer who bought a popular holiday gift and loved it can boost trust, or a customer who used your services to improve the way they live. Encourage user-generated content to showcase your brand as authentic and credible. 

5. Tutorials and educational content

Create how-to videos showing customers how to use your products in seasonal scenarios. For instance, a kitchenware brand could produce videos on “How to make Christmas recipes” and showcase their cookware.

Educational videos that offer valuable tips around seasonal challenges are helpful, for example, a financial advisor could create videos on “How to budget for Christmas shopping”. 

6. Influencer collaborations and unboxing videos

You could partner with influencers to create unboxing or review videos that align with the season. For example, an influencer could showcase a “Holiday unboxing” of your seasonal gift set; boosting brand awareness, or create a video where they try out a spa’s holiday-themed treatments. 

Just ensure you do your research first and choose someone who’s values align with your brand.

7. Storytelling campaigns

Create emotionally driven videos that tell a story around the season. For example, Coca-Cola and John Lewis are known for their heartwarming holiday commercials. Craft a narrative that connects your product to the spirit of the season.

A service business can create a similar campaign by focusing on the emotional benefits of their service. For example, a home healthcare service might create a touching video about how they bring peace of mind to families during the busy holiday season.

8. Social media shorts and reels

Use short-form video content on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to create fun, trendy videos featuring your seasonal products. Use challenges, catchy music, and effects to make your product the star of trending holiday-related content.

Service businesses can follow the same approach by making short videos that answer quick questions, show fast tips, or demonstrate seasonal service highlights.

9. Interactive and live video

Host live product demos or Q&A sessions where customers can interact with your team, ask questions about your offers, and make live purchases. For example, a beauty brand could do a live tutorial featuring holiday makeup looks using their products and an accounting firm can do a live session on “Year-end tax tips” for small businesses or individuals. 

10. Personalisation and shoppable video

Use shoppable video technology to allow viewers to buy products directly from the video. A seasonal gift guide video, for example, could link directly to the products shown, simplifying the purchase process.

Service businesses can use videos to direct viewers to book appointments or services. A spa can create a personalised video showcasing their Christmas specials and provide a direct link to book a treatment.


The Christmas season is a perfect time to engage with consumers on an emotional level and what better way to do than by using video to capture, and hold, their attention. Your competitors certainly will be. 

By incorporating video into your seasonal marketing strategy, you can attract more customers, generate excitement, and drive conversions during this peak time.

If you’re looking to work with a video partner, or want help with your video marketing strategy, get in touch. We’d love to talk.